Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Monday.

1. Former FBI-director James Comey said Donald Trump is “morally unfit to be president.” In a wide-ranging interview with ABC, Comey also recalled the first time he met President Trump, what it was like to tell him about the Steele dossier, and his reaction to getting fired.

2. UK Prime Minister Theresa May will defend UK military action in Syria on Monday. She is expected to say that allied airstrikes in the region were in Britain’s national interest.

3. US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said new sanctions against Russia are coming Monday. Haley added that the US would not have one-to-one talks with Syrian leader Bashar Al Assad because Syria is not “worthy.”

4. Japan and China pledged to improve ties and uphold North Korea sanctions. Until recently, Japan had been slipping into the background of talks regarding North Korea.

5. A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck the off the coast of Indonesia. No tsunami warning was issued for Indonesia, which is located in the earthquake-prone Ring of Fire.

6. Germany said it has to assume Russia was behind a cyberattack on its foreign ministry. In February, Germany said it was investigating a security breach of its defense and interior ministries' private servers.

7. There is speculation that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe may step down in June. Abe's presidency has been rocked by scandal and his approval ratings have fallen to all-time lows.

8. American Airlines resumed flying over Russian airspace. The airline started rerouting flights on Saturday as they monitored the "global geopolitical" situation.

9. Yemen claimed Iran was arming Houthi militants with drones to attack Saudi Arabia. The Houthis have reportedly launched several missiles into Saudi Arabia of late.

10. SpaceX is about to launch NASA's revolutionary planet-hunting telescope. Scientists hope the telescope may discover about 50 small, rocky planets that could be habitable to alien life.

And finally...

Surreal photos from Coachella take you inside the most famous music festival on Earth.